Overbevisende resultater i studier
Alle studiene av Femarelle peker i samme retning. Kvinner med overgangsplager får hurtig effekt og varig virkning med Femarelle. 71,2% av kvinnene som var plaget av hetetokter opplevde bedring etter kun 6 dager med Femarelle. Dessuten vil bruk av Femarelle over tid styrke benbygningen.
Her ser du noen av de svært gode resultatene som er lagt frem:
82,0% av kvinnene opplevde stabil forbedring når de fortsatte med Femarelle over tid.
Femarelle er sannsynligvis det best dokumenterte naturmidlet mot overgangsplager og det mest effektive for å styrke benbygningen. De publiserte studiene finnes på nettstedet PubMed som har adressen: www.pubmed.com søk på Femarelle.
Her er en liste over de vitenskapelige studiene som hittil er publisert samt et antall sammendrag og presentasjoner ved vitenskapelige kongresser over hele verden. Listen er ajour per februar 2008.
Publiserte artikler og sammendrag:
Margaret Nachtigall, Frederick Naftolin, Richard Nachtigall, Israel Yoles, Lila E. Nachtigall A Prospective Study of DT56a (Femarelle) for the Treatment of Postmenopausal Vaginal Atrophy Poster presentation, NAMS Congress, Sept 2011
Lila Nachtigall, Margaret Nachtigall, Frederick Naftolin, Richard Nachtigall. DT56a for the Treatment of Vaginal Atrophy. Climacteric 2011;Volume 14 Supplement 1:30
Nachtigall MJ, Jessel RH, Flaumenhaft R, Nachtigall R, Yoles I, Naftolin F, Nachtigall LE. The selective estrogen receptor modulator DT56a (Femarelle) does not affect platelet reactivity in normal or thrombophilic postmenopausal women. Menopause. 2011 Mar;18(3):285-8. PMID: 21037489
Somjen D, Katzburg S, Sharon O, Hendel D, Yoles I. DT56a (Femarelle), contrary to estradiol-17β, is effective in human derived female osteoblasts in hyperglycemic condition. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2011 Jan;123(1-2):25-9. Epub 2010 Oct 14. PMID: 20951203
Somjen D, Katzburg S, Kohen F, Gayer B, Posner GH, Yoles I, Livne E. The effects of native and synthetic estrogenic compounds as well as vitamin D less-calcemic analogs on adipocytes content in rat bone marrow. J Endocrinol Invest. 2011 Feb;34(2):106-10. Epub 2010 Jun 11. PMID: 20543554
Nachtigall L. et al. Clotting Issues in Oral Estrogen, Transdermal Estrogen and Femarelle, Plenary Lecture, The 14th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology, March 4th-7th 2010
Pluchino N, Merlini S, Cubeddu A, Giannini A, Bucci F, Casarosa E, Cela V, Angioni S, Luisi M, Genazzani AR. Brain-region responsiveness to DT56a (Femarelle) administration on allopregnanolone and opioid content in ovariectomized rats. Menopause. 2009 Sep-Oct;16(5):1037-43.
PMID: 19295450
Nachtigall L. Femarelle, the First Line Treatment for the Management of Menopause. J. of Gynecological Endocrinology 2008; 24(1):77-78
Yoles I. Femarelle for the Management of Menopause: From Cell Receptors to the Patient. J. of Gynecological Endocrinology 2008; 24(1):312
Genazzani A.R. Menopause in the 21st Century: The Search for the Ideal SERM. J. of Gynecological Endocrinology 2008; 24(1):77
Somjen D, Katzburg S, Knoll E, Hendel D, Stern N, Kaye AM, Yoles I. DT56a (Femarelle): a natural selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2007 May;104(3-5):252-8. Epub 2007 Mar 14. PMID: 17428655
Nachtigall L., et al. «Clot Formation Assay in Postmenopausal Women Receiving Femarelle (DT56a), Oral or Transdermal Estrogens» European Society of Gynecology 2007; book of abstracts p. 79
Yoles I, Lilling G. Pharmacological doses of the natural phyto-SERM DT56a (Femarelle) have no effect on MCF-7 human breast cancer cell-line. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2007 Jan;130(1):140-1. Epub 2006 Mar 31. No abstract available. PMID: 16580119
Somjen D, Katzburg S, Lieberherr M, Hendel D, Yoles I. DT56a stimulates gender-specific human cultured bone cells in vitro. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2006 Jan;98(1):90-6. Epub 2005 Oct 21. PMID: 16243521
Somjen D, Katzburg S, Livne E, Yoles I. DT56a (Femarelle) stimulates bone formation in female rats. BJOG. 2005 Jul;112(7):981-5. PMID: 15958004
Oropeza MV, Orozco S, Ponce H, Campos MG. Tofupill lacks peripheral estrogen-like actions in the rat reproductive tract. Reprod Toxicol. 2005 Jul-Aug;20(2):261-6. PMID: 15878261
Yoles I, Yogev Y, Frenkel Y, Hirsch M, Nahum R, Kaplan B. Efficacy and safety of standard versus low-dose Femarelle (DT56a) for the treatment of menopausal symptoms. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2004;31(2):123-6. PMID: 15266766
Somjen D, Yoles I. DT56a stimulates creatine kinase specific activity in vascular tissues of rats. J Endocrinol Invest. 2003 Oct;26(10):966-71.
PMID: 14759068
Yoles I, Yogev Y, Frenkel Y, Nahum R, Hirsch M, Kaplan B. Tofupill/Femarelle (DT56a): a new phyto-selective estrogen receptor modulator-like substance for the treatment of postmenopausal bone loss.
Menopause. 2003 Nov-Dec;10(6):522-5. PMID: 14627860
Somjen D, Yoles I. DT56a (Tofupill/Femarelle) selectively stimulates creatine kinase specific activity in skeletal tissues of rats but not in the uterus. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2003 Jul;86(1):93-8. PMID: 12943748
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